Visible Voices

Responding to the theme of 'Speech', I proposed a three-month project that made the voices of local women and girls visible in Bow. The aim was to recognise the historical importance of Sylvia Pankhurst to the area whilst reflecting the voices of the women who now use the public area, many of whom would have been excluded by women's suffrage. The residency was in part supported by Poplar HARCA, a community-oriented housing association, and Women East, a network bringing together women in East London.

By creating a series of workshops in collaboration with local women and girls, we had a conversation, created designs, zines, flags, and an exhibition to highlight the importance of having and using our voices. Some artworks were influenced by a workshop facilitated by Samira Mian from Manifesting the Unseen.

Read the blog about it here:

Photographs were taken during the community day by Nicola Rushton

The poster was created by Bea Silva Porto